Coconut Cream to come soon... In the lab as we speak!
2cups Organic Heavy Whipping Cream
1-3 drops Stevia
1 tsp. Vanilla
pinch of Sea Salt
Optional: 1 tbs. Coconut Sugar or other sweetener of choice
Electric or hand whisk.
Glass bowl -chilled in the freezer

I've tried this recipe with 3 different companies.
Horizons Organic Pasturized Heavy Cream
Clover Organic Pasturized Heavy Cream
Raw Grass fed Heavy Cream in the photo
I wish I could say that I liked the raw grass fed one the best, but it made my stomach hurt. You have to try it for yourself to see what works for you, but here is a break down of the time it took to whip the cream:
Horizons took 10+ minutes. I actually almost gave up. Thinking "How did they ever invent whipped cream? If I had to do this by hand, I'd have given up by now!"
Clover took the least time, about 2 minutes and tasted and felt the best in my body.
The Raw Grass Fed one in the picture above took about 5 minutes and like I said, sadly didn't work for my body. Please try for yourself as this one is the best quality you can get. (unfortunately $9 for 12 oz., too!!!)

Then pour your cream in and start-a-whippin'!