Oh I just love fresh, sweet strawberries, don't you!? My mom used to marinate them in sugar and put them over sponge cake with fresh whipped cream. I think they are good all by themselves! But feel free to put them on pancakes, ice cream, cake, etc...
Strawberries have a strong sour undertone that is balanced by a little sweet. The honey, sugar, or maple with break them down into a lovely syrup. Please pick wisely the type of sugar you use. Cane sugar is a good preserver, but lowers the immune system and leaches minerals from our bones and teeth making us weak. There are plenty of other options for sweet. Do the one that works for you. I'm a honey girl!
1-2 Tbs. Honey or: coconut sugar, date sugar, maple syrup, maple sugar, birch xylitol, date syrup....