I found Macrobiotics in 1998. To say the least, it changed my life! I aligned myself with the farm to plate idea of slow food and eating with the seasons, not to mention the intoxicating theory of energetics. I dedicated myself to teaching others how to prepare delicious and healthy foods within this concept and guided many clients from illness to health. So when I became sick myself and found that I needed to break out of the strong box I lived in, I found that Paleo had the similar foundations. One of the main differences is grain. Paleo's premise is that our genetics are set up for hunter gatherer type foods and Macrobiotics is adamant that grains changed the course of man when fire and salt came in to our evolution, developing ancient man into civilized, intellectual man. I can see both sides of this debate, so my philosophical jury is still out, but in the mean time, I'm watching my experience. Feeling how my body feels when I eat one way or the other for an extended period of time. ~Mici 4/2015