1/3 cup Coconut Oil (I prefer the neutral taste of this one)
1/3 cup Grass Fed Butter
3/4 cup Nut or Seed butter of choice (I happen to have used my favorite peanut butter)
Pinch of Sea Salt
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder (I really prefer dutch process over raw cocoa for this recipe)
1 Tbs. Liquid Sweetener of Choice (Date syrup, Maple syrup, Honey, Coconut syrup...)
4-5 Drops of Stevia
1 tsp. Mint Extract
1/2-1 cup of raw Nuts or Seeds
Sprinkle shredded Coconut on top
Double boiler or bowl over a pot

The parchment paper is for easy removal. You could do as I have in the photo, or just line the bottom.
Sprinkle coconut shreds on top for some snowy fun!
Let it set up in the fridge (or freezer for chocoholics) for about 2 hours.